Guide For Nursing Students In Their Nursing Research Writing: Philippines Setting

Every time nursing research topics are assigned to student nurses, you hear them say their hell has just started.

This is because they look at nursing research as something difficult.

One factor attributing to this kind of attitude among nursing students is their lack of knowledge how to do research writing.

Below is a guide for nursing students in their nursing research writing, Philippines setting.

1.Select a topic or problem which is worth researchable.

Researchable means something that you could prove or disapprove with either locally, nationally or internationally.

Avoid topics which are impossible to prove such as how many angels are dancing at the finger tips.

This is similar to looking a needle among the hay stacks.

Examples of topic in the country worth researchable include the prevalence of HIV among call center agents in a certain place.

This topic is researchable because there is something to discover.

There are also many resources to anchor your study locally and internationally.

2.Limit your topic

This is pinpointing the topics you really want to find out.Say for example you selected the topic above; limit your study to certain topics.

For example, you focus on the factors why there is prevalence of HIV.

You may include their attitude towards the disease, their level of knowledge of the disease, and sexual practices.

You might also wish to delimit your findings among males or female call center agents with a certain age limit.

This will make your study more focused and easier.

3.Draft your questionnaire

Traditionally, the first thing researchers do is to write the introduction first.

However, researchers these days find it easier to write the questionnaires first and go back to the first part of the research after the questionnaire is written.

Accordingly, the draft of questionnaire may lead researchers to the focused topics they really wish to research.

4.Browse some resources

Browse as many resources as you can that includes local, national, and international.

This makes the nursing research more credible.

You may include some statistics, history, and other important information you can use later.

Always make a list of your resources for your bibliography.

This is a simple guide for nursing students in their nursing research writing.


Article Written by i-churya

full time ESL teacher who enjoys traveling and meeting other people from all over the globe

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