How To Grow Organic Pechay Or Bokchoy

Organic pechay or conventional pechay brings a never ending debate among health concern groups. Some claim there is no difference between organic and conventional pechay.

Others say that organic is more nutritious and natural to eat. Whether you are one of them, here is a simple way to grow your organic pechay or Bok Choy.

Soil preparation

Remove weeds. Dig the soil to make desired plots. In making plots, you can add composed fertilizer that may include dried leaves, pig, chicken or horse manure.

In adding, it is best to cover or mix the organic fertilizers with soil using a spade or

fork spade. Green leaves are also good organic fertilizers in the absence of dried leaves.

Water the soil to dilute the organic fertilizer incorporated. You need to wait for some time for the organic fertilizer to be absorbed and diluted before you plant the plots. This is to prevent root shock of the transplanted pechay or bokchoy.

An organic fertilizer does not mean those that are found in our natural surroundings alone.

There are organic fertilizers bought from commercial stores. They could be in liquid, pellets or granule composition.

After incorporating organic fertilizers, make small holes. Two holes in a plot are better when considering the space between pechay plants. Holes could also be artistically made by aligning them.

Transplanting Pechay

Pechay are better grown when they are seeded first. When they are ready to be transplanted, then this is the time to transplant them in the plots already prepared. It is best to transplant young pechay when the sun is not yet in full shine. Probably transplanting could be done early in the morning or late in the afternoon.

Once they are transplanted, cover the seedlings with banana stalks for the first three days to shield them from the scorching sun. Water them regularly.



Article Written By i-churya

full time ESL teacher who enjoys traveling and meeting other people from all over the globe

Last updated on 27-07-2016 2K 0

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